December 8, 2023Responsive images, wrapping upIn Drupal, the core Media module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of media entities.
December 1, 2023Responsive images and MediaIn Drupal, the core Media module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of media entities.
November 24, 2023Responsive image stylesResponsive image styles in Drupal are bundles that contain one or more image styles.
November 17, 2023Image styles in DrupalI'd like to think of Drupal's image styles as templates for cropping and sizing images.
November 10, 2023Image resolution switching using srcset and sizes attributesResolution switching uses identical images that are simply larger or smaller based on the device but retain the same aspect ratio and cropping settings.
November 3, 2023Art Direction using the picture HTML elementIn the context of responsive images, art direction is the ability to display differently-cropped images based on the device size.
October 27, 2023Responsive images in Drupal - a seriesIn this seven-part guide I cover everything you need to know about responsive images and how to manage them in a Drupal site.